The pulp and paper industry is one of the main drivers of deforestation through converting natural forests into plantations. It accounts for roughly 20 percent of deforestation in the 2000s and 50 percent of peatland conversion. It is estimated that the pulp and paper sector generates more than 600 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions per year, more than 70 percent of which results from development of peatland areas. Among major commodities, pulp and paper has the highest emissions per dollar of commodity produced – higher than conversion of peatland for other commodities such as oil palm and soy.
Our work through the Sustainable Initiative on Pulp and Paper (STIPP), aims to contribute to protection of HCV/HCS areas and to clean manufacturing practices in Indonesia and globally.
We support the protection of HCV/HCS areas by helping industry players to learn and innovate on integrated management models for pulp and paper production and nature conservation through a landscape approach.
We contribute to clean manufacturing practices by ensuring CGF member companies and other mills apply sophisticated footprint assessment of pulp, paper and packaging mills.