About 10% of all agricultural chemicals used worldwide are processed by the cotton sector. This causes environmental damage, coupled with issues of high costs and low incomes, cotton creates large sustainability issues that produces reputational risks for brands and retailers.
In 2009 IDH convened a group of retailers and brands, CSOs and funds to develop together with IDH a strategy to speed up the implementation of Better Cotton. Better Cotton is a scalable model for cotton market transformation and creates tangible impact at scale on reducing pesticide and water use, improving yields and thus on livelihoods of farmers.
Over the years more (fashion) brands and retailers invested in a fund for farmer support programs, and in the procurement of mainstream volumes of Better Cotton. Within 4 years the program reached the milestone of producing 2 Million metric tons BCI cotton, reaching over 1,2 million cotton farmers. The Growth & Innovation Fund now supports Better Cotton projects in more than 20 countries across five regions of the world. It is the largest sustainability program in cotton.
Until 2020 IDH aims to support the production of 5 M metric tons of Better Cotton improving the livelihoods of more than 5 million cotton farmers and reducing water and pesticides use significantly.